Alex as totem pole, Halloween 2011 David at Prom 2011
Alex & Beth, 2008
Feast Day in England November 2001
Beth as Mother Nature, October 2008 Beth at Demicon 14, May 2003
Dylan as Harry Bailey, Summer 2003 Dylan the theater techie
Andy, 2008
Beth and the Boys, Summer 2002 Andy, Beth, and Stonehenge November 2001
Andy and the Pigs Beth as Mom
Dylan brings home booty Davey in the Army Reserve
Our wedding picture
A walk on the wild side Too much eggnog?
Dylan's Ark More cake, please!
The boys duke it out Brothers and Friends
Andy in a suit? Beth and Sundry
Alex in Bliss
This is my sister. No, really.
This is my other sister.She's a little washed out,but see the resemblance?
Which boy is which?
Last updated 08/06/09.
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times since 10/12/04.